Image Manager
The Image Manager is used to save, edit copy or change image media files.
[hide]Image Manager
The Image Manager is now separated from the Media Manager.
At first, the content of CMS_FILES/images/content is listed. The hyperlinks in the blue bar are used to sort the list according to the desired criteria (file name, date, access rights etc.) zu ordnen. The arrow behind a hyperlink indicates the direction of ordering (ascending/descending). The current path can be seen right below the blue bar. Here, subdirectories will be appended, if you change into a subdirectory. This ensures a simple navigation between the various directories (if available). To go deeper into a directory, simply click onto the directory name. To get a thumbnail, click onto the file name of the image. To display this image in full size, click onto the displayed thumbnail. The resolution (in pixels) of the images is shown in brackets behind the file name.
Creating a New Directory
In order to create a new directory, click onto the button „Create New Directory“ below the title bar. A new text field appears, into which you can enter the desired name of the new directory. A subsequent click onto „Create“ button creates the new directory. Please note that some special characters will be deleted or changed without notice. Best, use only alphanumeric characters and underscores (a-z, 0-9, _).
Uploading Files
You can upload several files a time to the current directory by selecting the button "Upload Files". An array of text fields appear each equipped with an additional "Search" button. Click the button „Search“ to select a file from your file system. Repeat this, if you intend to upload additional files. When all files have been selected click onto the bottom button „Upload“. It can take some time depending on the size of the images to be uploaded. If you get a green highlighted confirmation „Files have been uploaded successfully!“ (below the title bar), all files have been copied to you your file server. Note: Existing files will be overwritten!
Renaming, Copying and Deleting Images and Directories
In order rename an object, click onto the icon „Edit“ [ ]. Then a form appears, which allows you to enter the desired new name and save it. File names require an additional file extension. Change the extension only, if required. You can also create a form of the selected object by ticking the checkmark „Save as“. Then, a digital timestamp will be appended to the current name. Thus, test.jpg becomes test_1131443323.jpg, for example. The same applies to directories. The editing form has an additional radio button selection „Edit Image“ to call a built-in image editor, if the image is in a known format. Selecting the radio option "Yes" extends the form with the "Edit Image" dialogue. This provides options to change the dimension and proportion as well as the quality of the image (only reducing). It is a fast way to make large images web-conformous. After saving the changes, the changed file will be shown highlighted in the listing of files. If you want to delete an object, click the button „Delete“ [ ] and confirm it.
Actions on Multiple Files
Ticking the checkbox in the first line of the listing (displaying the current directory) toggles the selection, i.e. selects or deselects, all files or subdirectories within the current directory. The individual checkboxes are used to select single files or directories. If all files are selcted for the intended action, the "Select Action:" selection box can be used to perform the following actions:
Cuts the selected objects, i.e. on copying them to a new directory, these files will be deleted from the old directory.
Copies the selected objects. If these files will be inserted into the new directory, they will still be available in the older path. If the same path (of source and target) is selected, an underscore and a timstamp will be appended to the selected files.
Deletes all selected objects after a subsequently requested confirmation.
Prepare Images
To speed up the upload of files, it is recommended to prepare them on a local PC system according to the requirements of the internet. On general, most image are too fat for the internet, stressing the limited communication lines which in turn can lead to poor responsiveness of your pages. The images can be scaled and redimensioned with the tools Powertoys for Windows XP - Image Resizer Tool or mittels VSO Image Resizer for Windows Vista as follows:
VSO Image Resizer
Download VSO Image Resizer
VSO Image Resizer is a useful freeware which can change the size of images as well as convert the format of the image to other image formats. It is a small piece of software free of charge best suited for all of us who have to store image, send tthem by email or simply wanto to move them from one directory to another one and are eager to save disk space. By mouseclick Image Resizer decreases your images or changes the resolution, i.e. reduces the file size of the images. The smaller file size facilitates faster loading, easier file management and saves storage.
Powertoys für Windows XP - Image Resizer
Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP Info Page The tool Image Resizer Powertoy scales the image dimensions of one or multiple graphics files in a directory. Image Resizer is used to scle the image to popular resoltions of desktops, web pages and handhelds. In addition, other target formats can be specified. By default, the tool creates copies of the modified original files. Bild:06_image_resizer.gif
Safe Mode without FTP support
If the PHP Safe Mode is activated, but the FTP extension for PHP is not installed on the server (FTP support must be deactivated in the file /config/configuration.php deaktiviert sein), note the following:
The Safe Mode allows write access only in directories which belongs to the same user who owns the PHP script. In this case, the PHP script /cadmin/index.php and the directory /images/content/ must belong to the same user. If a new directory is created with the Image Manager, the newly created directory belongs to the user who operated the webserver. This means that the user, who operates the webserver, must be the same who also owns the called PHP script.
In summary the user
- who is the owner of the PHP script (/cadmin/index.php),
- who owns the directory /images/content/
- and who is operating the webserver (refer to in case of the Apache webserver)
must be one and the same user!
Note: The same applies for the remaining areas in which directories can be created and uploaded. This refers especially to the directories:
- /cadmin/backup/
- /cache/
- /feed/
- /images/*/
- /media/*/
- /themes/*/
- /tmp/*