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The YamlRepository is a YAML-file based alternative to the database based Doctrine Entity repository.



Models that shall be managed by a YamlRepository must extend the base model \Cx\Core\Model\Model\Entity\YamlEntity and must be stored in the folder /Model/Entity of the associated component.

I.e.: The model for the entity Foo would be stored as modules/MyComponent/Model/Entity/Foo.class.php and would consist of the following base code:


namespace Cx\Modules\MyComponent\Model\Entity;

class Foo extends \Cx\Core\Model\Model\Entity\YamlEntity {}


Entity repositories must extend \Cx\Core\Model\Controller\YamlRepository, must be stored in the folder /Model/Repository of the associated component and must follow the naming scheme <Entity>Repository.

I.e.: The repository for the entity Foo would be stored as modules/MyComponent/Model/Repository/FooRepository.class.php and would consist of the following base code:


namespace Cx\Modules\MyComponent\Model\Repository;

class FooRepository extends \Cx\Core\Model\Controller\YamlRepository {

    public function __construct() {
        $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
        parent::__construct($cx->getWebsiteConfigPath() . '/FooRepository.yml');


Working with entities from a YamlRepository is almost identical with entities originating from a Doctrine Entity repository.


The initialization of a models repository can either be done directly by instantiating the repository or through the Entity Manager.

Direct Repository Instantiation

$repo = new \Cx\Modules\MyComponent\Model\Repository\FooRepository();

Repository from Entity Manager

A YamlRepository can also be fetched through the Entity Manager:

$repo = $this->cx->getDb()->getEntityManager()->getRepository(
Note: This only works after the database layer has been initialized.

Fetching Entities

Analogous to the Doctrine Entity repository, the YamlRepository provides the following methods for fetching entities:

  • findAll()
  • find($id)
  • findBy($criteria)


Fetch entity having ID 3
$repo = new \Cx\Modules\MyComponent\Model\Repository\FooRepository();
$foo = $repo->find(3);
Fetch entities by a specific property
$repo = new \Cx\Modules\MyComponent\Model\Repository\FooRepository();
$entity = $repo->findBy(
    ['location' => 'Bar']

Persisting Entities

New entities are added to the repository through method add():

$foo = new \Cx\Modules\MyComponent\Model\Entity\Foo();
Note: See Initialization on how to fetch $repo.
Important: To persist new entities in the file system, the repository must be flushed using the method flush().

Updating Entities

To persist any changes made to the entities of a repository, the repository must be flushed to the file system by calling flush():

Note: See Initialization on how to fetch $repo.

Checking for existing entities

Use method isManaged() to check if an entity is already managed by a repository:

if (!$repo->isManaged($foo)) {
Note: See Initialization on how to fetch $repo.

Removing Entities

Existing entities are removed from the repository through method remove():

$foo = $repo->find($id);
Note: See Initialization on how to fetch $repo.
Important: To permanently remove entities from the file system, the repository must be flushed using the method flush().