Update Script
- File Modification Detection (md5-checksum validation)
- Update Protocol (update/dbg.log)
- Application Migration (CSS & Content)
- Submission Form Migration
Customizing Flowchart
This flowchart describes the process of one file which is updated. The old file means the file in the Contrexx installation.
Database / Content Migration
script timeout
Calling the function checkTimeoutLimit() will check if the script timeout will be reached soon. If so, the update process will automatically be interrupted to prevent a script timeout.
foreach($arrSlowSQLQueries as $query) {
// check if script timeout will be reached soon
// execute very slow SQL query
out of memory
Calling the function checkMemoryLimit() will check if script memory limit will be reached soon. If so, the update process will automatically be interrupted to prevent a fatal error due to a lack of memory.
foreach($arrLargeFilePaths as $file) {
// check if we still got some memory left for the next operation
// load some data into memory
$content = file_get_contents($file);
user interaction
By using the function setUpdateMsg() a message/dialog for user interaction can be displayed:
// Set title of update screen
setUpdateMsg('Titel of update message', 'title');
// Add message/dialog content
setUpdateMsg('Content of update message. Can contain HTML-code', 'msg');
// Update the ''Next''-button (this sample code should always be used as is)
setUpdateMsg('<input type="submit" value="'.$_CORELANG['TXT_CONTINUE_UPDATE'].'" name="updateNext" /><input type="hidden" name="processUpdate" id="processUpdate" />', 'button');
// IMPORTANT: Returning FALSE is very important to abort any further script execution.
// Failing to return FALSE will no properly interrupt the update script
return false;
Core update scripts. These scripts don't need to be modified in general, because they get automatically generated/updated with new information when creating an update package.
- backendAreas.php
- Data gets taken from the database table contrexx_backend_areas
- modules.php
- Data gets taken from the database table contrexx_modules
- repository.php
- Data gets taken from the database table contrexx_module_repository
- settings.php
- Data gets taken from the database table contrexx_settings
- Modifications to the database table contrexx_settings aren't needed to include in a update component, due that all data of this table is automatically inserted into the update component settings.php. Well, in the case you have to do some special handlings with a variable from contrexx_settings, e.g. for user customization, you could do that before the array with the settings are processed.
- version.php
- Data gets taken from the release configuration
Update scripts of core modules/applications.
Update scripts of modules/applications.
Update steps
- Backup customized files and copy new ones into the folders
- UTF-8 migration
- If collation isn't utf-8 already, list possible utf8 collations and migrate tables and templates. Templates are only migrated if $_DBCONFIG['charset'] isn't set to utf8
- Session-table migration
- Check if contrexx_session_variable matches the new structure and alter it if necessary or create the table
- Check if contrexx_sessions matches the new structure and alter it if necessary or create the table
- Version 2.2.6 and older
- Migrate the content
- Migrate nodes, pages to new Doctrine entities
- Group / combine the migrated pages if they exist in several languages (Person who executes the update decides which pages shall be tied together)
- Remove the pages which shall no longer exist (Person who executes the update decides which pages shall be removed)
- Migrate aliases
- Migrate blocks
- Drop the old tables:
- contrexx_content
- contrexx_content_history
- contrexx_content_logfile
- contrexx_content_navigation
- contrexx_content_navigation_history
- contrexx_content_alias_source
- contrexx_content_alias_target
- contrexx_module_block_rel_lang
- update/updates/VERSION/components/core/core.php
- Update charset of languages to UTF-8 where charset isn't set to UTF-8 already
- Add access-id 127 to all the groups which have access-id 5
- Migrate contrexx_modules table to new structure
- Migrate contrexx_logs table to new structure
- Migrate contrexx_backend_areas table structure to support the new access system
- Migrate contrexx_lib_country table to the new structure
- Insert all countries into the contrexx_lib_country table
- Migrate contrexx_language table structure to support mobile templates, fallback language and app device templates
- Migrate contrexx_language table structure to allow no fallback language
- Migrate contrexx_skins table structure to disallow templates with the same name. This will drop duplicates!
- Change submenu css identifier from id to class in all .css files in all available templates
- Add {JAVASCRIPT} placeholder right before the closing head-tag in all index.html files in all available templates
- Alter the contrexx_log table structure to support / fix timezones
- Alter the contrexx_sessions table structure to support the remember me flag
- Remove the old Cache-Class to prevent classloader issues
- Add access-id 178 to all the groups which have access-id 10 or access-id 119 assigned
- Check if contrexx_core_text exists and create it in case it's missing
- Create contrexx_component table and add Workbench, FrontendEditing and ContentManager
- For versions older than 3.0.0
- Get all the installed components and check if one (or multiple) of the potentially missed components in fact is (or are) missing
- Check if one (or multiple) table(s) of one (or multiple) missed component(s) has the comment 'cx3upgrade' (this means this component or rather this table is conflicted)
- Create a list of all the conflicted components
- Loop over all files in update/updates/VERSION/components/(core_module|module) and execute either _FileNameUpdate() if the component is installed or _FileNameInstall() if it's not installed yet
- Migrate contrexx_settings
- update/updates/VERSION/components/core/settings.php
- Change googleSitemapStatus to xmlSitemapStatus
- Remove fileuploader settings
- Loop over new settings and update the existing ones and add the new ones. In case a setid is misused, a temporary id is given to the setting which misuses the setid and update both settings to the new values
- Update setid to 1 for all settings which use setid 0
- List available time zones and update the contrexx_settings value to the selected time zone and store it in $_CONFIG['timezone'] so it will be written into the configuration.php file
- Generate the config/settings.php file
- Alter contrexx_settings setid column to integer(6) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment
- Migrate contrexx_settings_images table to the new structure
- For versions older than 3.0.3
- Set image settings for image_cut_width, image_cut_height, image_scale_width, image_scale_height and image_compression
- Write new configuration.php file
- Prepare the new configuration template and set database and ftp connection information
- Replace current content with the new one
- Force new page request to ensure that config/version.php is no longer loaded.
- update/updates/VERSION/components/core/modules.php
- Truncate existing contrexx_modules table
- Fill contrexx_modules with the new component information
- update/updates/VERSION/components/core/backendAreas.php
- Truncate existing contrexx_backend_areas table
- Fill contrexx_backend_areas with the new data
- If version is older than 3.1.0
- Add access id 170 to groups which have access id 163 assigned
- If version is older than 2.0.2
- Select group_id and access_id from contrexx_access_group_static_ids where access_id is equal to one of these: 116, 122, 123, 140 and 141
- Replace these access ids with their assigned values: 116 => 145, 122 => 146, 123 => 147, 140 => 148 and 141 => 149
- Module repository
- Truncate existing contrexx_module_repository table
- Migrate contrexx_module_repository to the new table structure
- Search for repository_([0-9]+).php files in updte/updates/VERSION/components/core directory
- Check if function _updateModuleRepository_[0-9]+() exists and execute it
- Themes to component
- Find all themes
- initiate ThemeRepository (\Cx\Core\View\Model\Repository\ThemeRepository)
- If the current Theme doesn't have a component.yml file convert the theme
- Check if an info.xml file is available to use for the new component.yml file
- If no info.xml file is available create the information for component.yml file
- Add default dependencies (jquery 1.6.1)
- Remove the info.xml if it exists
- Module pages
- Loop over all components that must have a new template in order to work properly
- Load the new template from contrexx_module_repository
- Replace the page content with the new template
- Update css-definitions for components
- Find all themes
- Check which kind of theme the current one is (either print, pdf, mobile or app)
- Load /update/updates/VERSION/data/modules.css
- Search for component-separator in the modules.css file
- Search for component name in the component separator
- Load the new css-definitions and the dependencies of the component if they exist
- Write new css definitions into new modules_VERSION.css file in the current theme
- Create the link tag for the index.html file
- Search the {STYLE_FILE} placeholder in the index.html file
- Add link-tag before the {STYLE_FILE} placeholder and save the index.html file
- Copy images for social login to the current theme
- Navigation files
- Find all themes
- add {LEVELS_FULL} at the beginning of all non-empty subnavbars(2|3).html files
- add {LEVELS_BRANCH} at the beginning of all navbars(2|3).html files which have template-block 'navigation' and don't have template-block 'level-1'
- Create .htaccess file
- Determine which server-software we are running on, either apache or iis
- IIS Webserver
- Load /update/lib/PEAR/File/HtAccess.php
- Instantiate HtAccess with ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/web.config
- Add contrexx rules from /update/updates/VERSION/data/iis_htaccess.tpl
- Apache Webserver
- Load /update/lib/FRAMEWORK/FWHtAccess.class.php
- Load /.htaccess with FWHtAccess-class
- Load /update/updates/VERSION/data/apache_htaccess.tpl
- Check if a .htaccess file already exists
- Check for rewrite rules which determine access to folders in the existing .htaccess and remove them from the new .htaccess
- Set section of the new .htacccess file to the rules defined in the new .htaccess file
- Remove section 'core_modules__alias' and 'core__language' from the .htaccess file
- Write the .htaccess file
- cadmin/index.php file
- Check if /cadmin/index.php exists
- Check if the /cadmin/index.php file is customized and move it into the customizings folder
- Delete the /cadmin/index.php file
- Update $_CONFIG['coreCmsVersion'] to the new version
- License
- Update license and execute versioncheck.php file
- Update contrexx_settings contrexx version to the new version
- Write the /config/settings.php file
- Migrate the content
- Update for Contrexx 3 or newer
- Component repository
- Truncate existing contrexx_module_repository table
- Migrate contrexx_module_repository to the new table structure
- Search for repository_([0-9]+).php files in updte/updates/VERSION/components/core directory
- Check if function _updateModuleRepository_[0-9]+() exists and execute it
- Update contrexx_log_entry table set the object_class to the new fully qualified class name of entity page
- Migrate contrexx_content_page table to the new structure
- Themes to component
- Find all themes
- initiate ThemeRepository (\Cx\Core\View\Model\Repository\ThemeRepository)
- If the current Theme doesn't have a component.yml file convert the theme
- Check if an info.xml file is available to use for the new component.yml file
- If no info.xml file is available create the information for component.yml file
- Add default dependencies (jquery 1.6.1)
- Remove the info.xml if it exists
- Module pages
- Loop over all components that must have a new template in order to work properly
- Load the new template from contrexx_module_repository
- Replace the page content with the new template
- Update for 3.0.0 rc1 or 3.0.0 rc2
- Determine the current installed version, one of the following: rc1, rc2, 3.0.0,, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3, 3.0.4, 3.1.0, 3.1.1
- Rc1 update filesharing
- Insert German and English mail templates into contrexx_module_filesharing_mail_template table
- Database table changes from rc1 to rc2
- Add rc1 filesharing changes, if filesharing didn't have any mail templates
- Database table changes from rc2 to 3.0.0
- Database table changes from 3.0.0 to
- Database table changes from to 3.0.1
- Database table changes from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2
- Database table changes from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
- Database table changes from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4
- Database table changes from 3.0.4 to 3.1.0
- Database table changes from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1
- Database table changes from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2
- Combine database table changes:
- rc1 to 3.1.2
- rc2 to 3.1.2
- 3.0.0 to 3.1.2
- to 3.1.2
- 3.0.1 to 3.1.2
- 3.0.2 to 3.1.2
- 3.0.3 to 3.1.2
- 3.0.4 to 3.1.2
- 3.1.0 to 3.1.2
- determine which database changes shall be executed later on
- For versions older than 3.1.0
- Install CRM and FrontendEditing
- Migrate contrexx_core_mail_template table to the new structure
- Migrate mail templates to the new structure
- Create new mail templates: 'crm_user_account_created', 'crm_task_assigned', 'crm_notify_staff_on_contact_added'
- Install CRM and FrontendEditing
- Execute the afore mentioned database table changes
- For versions older than 3.1.0
- Add entries for CRM and FrontendEditing to contrexx_modules-table
- Add primary keys to contrexx_access_group_dynamic_ids and contrexx_access_group_static_ids
- Truncate contrexx_module_repository-table
- Fill contrexx_module_repository-table with the data from the data-dump-file
- Add missing 'remove page' log entry
- Get the current Version of the pages which no longer exist and don't have a log entry with the action remove
- Insert a new log entry with the action remove, the current date and time and the next version
- For version rc1
- Load all fallback-pages
- Update their assigned module, cmd and set the updated at to the current date and time.
- For Versions equal or higher than rc1 and lower 3.0.3
- Decode urls in the newsletter
- Set the sort_order of the contrexx_module_shop_currencies-table to 0 where sort_order is null
- Migrate the contrexx_module_shop_currencies-table to the new table-structure
- Migrate the contrexx_module_shop_payment_processor to the new table-structure
- For versions older than 3.1.0
- Load all contact-form-pages
- Set their content to the source-code of the contact form. Set updated at to the current date and time
- For versions between 3.0.0 and 3.0.3
- Replace shopProductRow1 tempalte block in discounts page with shopProductRow template block
- Add product options after {SHOP_PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION} in product-listing and discounts pages
- Add {SHOP_AGB} and {SHOP_CANCELLATION_TERMS_CHECKED} placeholders to shop payment page
- Place {NEWS_COUNT_COMMENTS} placeholder inside news_comments_count template block in news and news details pages
- Migrate content of access signup to the content of version 3.0.1
- Update constraints for contrexx_content_node and contrexx_content_page
- Add confirm_delete template block to filesharing page
- For versions older than 3.1.0 with empty or missing contrexx_module_news_categories_catid-table
- Migrate contrexx_modules_news_categories to the new table-strucutre
- Add root node to the contrexx_modules_news_categories-table
- Count the existing categories
- Set the right_id of the root node to twice the amount of existing categories
- Update the categories with the nested set information
- Migrate or create contrexx_module_news_categories_locks and contrexx_module_news_categories_catid tables
- Insert into contrexx_module_news_categories_catid the id of the root node
- For versions older than 3.1.0
- Change contrexx_access_user_profile interests and signature to TEXT
- Add access_id 8 to groups which have access_id 7
- Call the updatescript for the calendar
- Update backend areas
- For versions older than 3.1.1
- Migrate cmd for calendar content pages: eventlist => list, event => detail, sign => register
- For versions older than 3.1.0
- Migrate contrexx_module_contact_form_field to the new table structure
- Set all fields which are currently set to file to multi_file
- Add access_id 176 to groups which have access_id 172
- Add access_id 4 to groups which have access_id 13 or 161
- Add access_id 170 to groups which have access_id 163
- For versions older than
- Add access_id 143 to groups which have access_id 142
- Check if /cadmin/index.php-file exists and if it is customized
- If it is customized, copy it to /customizings/cadmin/
- Remove /cadmin/index.php
- For versions older than 3.1.1
- Set news_use_teaser_text to 1 in contrexx_module_news_settings
- For versions 3.1.1 and 3.1.2
- Replace images/modules/media/_base.gif with core_modules/media/View/Media/_base.gif in media1, media2, media3 and media4 pages
- For versions older than 3.2.0
- Load all invitation_email_template and email_template from contrexx_module_calendar_event
- Store them each in an array
- json_encode these arrays and update the contrexx_module_calendar_event-table with the json-array
- Update the crm
- Fix the tree
- Update coreCmsVersion, coreCmsCodeName, coreCmsReleaseDate, coreCmsName and coreCmsStatus in contrexx_settigns with the new values
- Define ASCMS_INSTANCE_PATH and ASMCS_INSTANCE_OFFSET if they are not defined
- Write the new settings-file
- Create .htaccess file
- Determine which server-software we are running on, either apache or iis
- IIS Webserver
- Load /update/lib/PEAR/File/HtAccess.php
- Instantiate HtAccess with ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/web.config
- Add contrexx rules from /update/updates/VERSION/data/iis_htaccess.tpl
- Apache Webserver
- Load /update/lib/FRAMEWORK/FWHtAccess.class.php
- Load /.htaccess with FWHtAccess-class
- Load /update/updates/VERSION/data/apache_htaccess.tpl
- Check if a .htaccess file already exists
- Check for rewrite rules which determine access to folders in the existing .htaccess and remove them from the new .htaccess
- Set section of the new .htacccess file to the rules defined in the new .htaccess file
- Remove section 'core_modules__alias' and 'core__language' from the .htaccess file
- Write the .htaccess file
- Write new configuration.php file
- Prepare the new configuration template and set database and ftp connection information
- Replace current content with the new one
- License
- Update license and execute versioncheck.php file
- Update contrexx_settings contrexx version to the new version
- Write the /config/settings.php file
- Component repository