Contrexx Javascript Framework
[hide]What it is
The Contrexx Javascript Framework aims to be the connection between PHP and Javascript.
It provides:
- Variable exchange PHP -> JS / JS -> JS
- Use this instead of setting variables and initializing js variables via placeholder.
- Helpers
- Asynchronous loading of javascript and css files
- Speed up page loads by asynchronous ressource loading.
The regular way to acitvate the Contrexx JavaScript Framework is to execute the following PHP code:
Note: Prior to version 3, you would call just JS::activate('cx') (without the use of the global namespace indicator /)
[draft] Additionally, it is also possible to activate the Contrexx JavaScript Framework without PHP. This can be done by including the jQuery library within the template or a content page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/javascript/jquery/1.6.1/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
cx.ready(function[, waitForQueue])
Execute something when cxjs (and thus jQuery) is loaded.
waitForQueue allows to wait for other functions previously scheduled before executing the function specified. This defaults to false.
Set and get variables.
- js 2 js
- php 2 js
You should always use the scope parameter. Use {component} or {component}/{subcomponent or function} (e.g. contentmanager or contentmanager/toggle). For an example, see core/contentmanager/ContentManager.class.php.
Set the variable var to value (defaults to scope contrexx). value will be converted to it's JSON representation (this means you can safely use this function for complex types like arrays).
Get the variable var in scope scope
cx.variables.set(var, value, [,scope])
Set the variable var in scope scope to value.
ContrexxJavascript::getInstance()->setVariable('myVar', 'test', 'test');
Use this to pass data to javascript rather than template placeholders.
default variables
Those variables are always available in scope contrexx.
- path
- the pages' offset from the current domain's webroot including the virtuallanguage path. equivalent of ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET.'/'.FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById(FRONTEND_LANG_ID).'/ '.
- i.e.: /contrexx/de/
- basePath
- the pages' offset from the current domain's webroot. equivalent of ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET.'/ '.
- i.e.: /contrexx/
- cadminPath
- the backend's offset from the current domain's webroot. equivalent of ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET.ASCMS_BACKEND_PATH.'/ '.
- i.e.: /contrexx/cadmin/
- mode
- backend or frontend
- i.e.: frontend
- language
- code as defined in contrexx_languages ('de', 'en', ...)
- i.e.: de
- frontendLocale This is not implemented yet!
- code as defined in contrexx_languages ('de', 'en', ...)
- i.e.: de
- themeId (as of version 5)
- Current (if in frontend) or default theme ID
- i.e.: 1
Prior to version 3
- cmsPath
- the pages' offset from the current domain's webroot. equivalent of ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET.
- cadminPath
- the backend's offset from the current domain's webroot. equivalent of ASCMS_BACKEND_PATH.
- mode
- 'backend' or 'frontend'
- language
- code as defined in contrexx_languages ('de', 'en', ...)
cx.include(files, callback, lazy, initcall)
//load something cx.include(['lib/some/dir/my.js', 'a/path/some.css'], function() { //here, the files above are loaded and ready for use. //further, everything passed to .include and .ready before was loaded/executed and is ready to use. });
//load single file cx.include('lib/some/dir/my.js', function() { //here, the file above is loaded and ready for use. //further, everything passed to .include and .ready before was loaded/executed and is ready to use. });
//lazy-load: do not wait for files to be loaded cx.include('lib/some/dir/my.js', function() { //here, only the file above is loaded and ready for use }, true);
This is the jQuery object. is deprected. Whenever possible, use cx.ui.messages instead.
The StatusMessage object helps you to display a status message for any action in your component. This object is used in Contrexx in the ContentManager and FrontendEditing (e.g. to show when the page has been successfully saved).
It can be used very simple:, cssClass, showTime, callbackAfterDestroy, options);
{ draggable: false, resizable: false, minWidth: 100, minHeight: 28, dialogClass: "cxDialog noTitle", position: ["center", "top"] }
Function | Description | Parameters |
showMessage(message, cssClass, showTime, callbackAfterDestroy, options) | Adds a message to the stack and will be shown after currently displayed message. |
removeAllDialogs(onlyPermanentMessages) | Hides all dialogs and deletes all messages from the stack. |
CxJs provides a wrapper for AJAX requests to JsonAdapters:
cx.ajax(adapter, method, options, locale);
adapter is the name of the JsonAdapter to call
method the adapters method name
options are normal jQuery.ajax() options
This is not implemented yet!
locale the locale code (i.e. de)
cx.ajax() generates success and error messages for you. In order to use them, you should use the options preSuccess and postSuccess instead of success and preError and postError instead of error. These are triggered before/after the message is displayed. You may turn off this behavior by setting the option showMessage to false.
(Contrexx 3)
You can define own events for Contrexx components. To bind to such an event use to following scheme:
cx.bind("myEvent", function(myArgs) { // do something }, "myScope");
The scope parameter is optional and defaults to "contrexx", see scopes for more information about using scopes.
To fire the event and trigger all binded callbacks use the following:
cx.trigger("myEvent", "myScope", myArgs);
This will call all callback functions registered for this event in the according scope. The scope and argument parameters are optional and default to "contrexx" and null.
Thread safety
CxJs provides a method to call one or multiple function thread safely:
cx.callThreadSafe(callback, scope, sleep)
This method calls callback and delayes all calls to it if it is already running.
Parameters scope and sleep are optional. If you provide a scope you can lock multiple methods together. So if one is running, calls to all others in the same scope are delayed too. Sleep defines the timout between the tries in ms (default is 500).
cx.callThreadSafe(function() { myToBeThreadSafeFunction(with, some, parameters); });
For all i18n related data, an i18n mechanism is provided: i18n
- The {JAVASCRIPT} placeholder needs to be set
- Async loading bases on an immature jQuery plugin - should be changed to an alternative (one of yepnope.js / labjs / requirejs)