Development Core Sorting
From Cloudrexx Development Wiki
The Sorting class creates an object which allows to easy create and display sorted views. The intention is to use this class everywhere in Contrexx as a gateway for sortings.
This class saves sortings in the user's session, also for different views.
- function __construct(&$baseUri, $arrField, $flagDefaultAsc=true, $orderUriParameter=self::DEFAULT_PARAMETER_NAME)
- Constructs a sorting with the given uri
- Fields are in the array as ("FieldName" => "displayed name")
- Fieldnams can be in a SQL syntax: id, `id` or `table`.`id`
- function getUri_entities($field=null)
- Returns the URL with the current sorting (NULL) or with the provided field
- Usage e.g. as URL for the paging, so the sorting will still be set.
- function getOrderReverseUriEncoded($field=null)
- Returns the URL with the current sorting (NULL) or with the provided field, but in the inverse order
- function getHeaderArray()
- Returns an array (FieldName => HTML for the head field) for all fields
- function getHeaderForField($field)
- Returns the String with the HTML for the head field
$uri = Html::getRelativeUri_entities(); $objSorting = new Sorting($uri, array( 'id' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_MANUFACTURER_ID'], 'name' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_MANUFACTURER_NAME'], 'url' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_MANUFACTURER_URL'], ), true, 'order_manufacturer'); self::$objTemplate->setVariable(array( 'SHOP_HEADER_ID' => $objSorting->getHeaderForField('id'), 'SHOP_HEADER_NAME' => $objSorting->getHeaderForField('name'), 'SHOP_HEADER_URL' => $objSorting->getHeaderForField('url'), )); $arrManufacturers = Manufacturer::getArray($count, $objSorting->getOrder(), Paging::getPosition(), $limit); $i = 0; foreach ($arrManufacturers as $manufacturer_id => $arrManufacturer) { self::$objTemplate->setVariable(array( 'SHOP_MANUFACTURER_ID' => $manufacturer_id, 'SHOP_MANUFACTURER_NAME' => $arrManufacturer['name'], 'SHOP_MANUFACTURER_URL' => $arrManufacturer['url'], 'SHOP_ROWCLASS' => 'row'.(++$i % 2 + 1), )); self::$objTemplate->parse('manufacturer'); } $paging = Paging::get($objSorting::getUri_entities(), $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_MANUFACTURERS'], $count, $limit, true);
More examples are available in the shop since Contrexx version 3.0