Development Generating URIs
There are many cases where you need to generate a link for the output.
The way of generating a link/URI depends on how the request was made and what purpose the link/URI is for.
[hide]Contrexx 3
Please note, that the \Cx\Core\Routing\Url class is still under development. We will make some improvements to use this class more widely...
The requested page
In Contrexx 3 you can get the URL object of the requested page as follows:
// returns the URL object of the resolved page
// Always use 'clone' for this, so the original Url object will not get edited
$myUrl = clone \Env::get('Resolver')->getUrl();
Any page
The URL class provides methods to get the URL of any page. For example you can:
<highligsyntaxhighlight lang=phptsyntax>// URL for a page $myUrl = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromPage($pageObject);
// URL for a page id $myUrl = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromPageId($pageId);
// URL for a node $myUrl = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromNode($nodeObject);
// URL for a node id $myUrl = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromNodeId($nodeId);
// URL for a module $myUrl = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd($modulename, $command, $languageId);
// URL for document root $myUrl = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromDocumentRoot();</syntaxhighlight>
Working with URLs
// you can set parameters. new ones are added, existing ones overwritten
// if you set a parameter to null, it will be removed
$myUrl->setParam($parameter_name, $parameter_value);
// The magic method __toString() returns the correct URL for use in the code (Form actions, links, etc.)
echo $myUrl;
// If you need the full URL including hostname you might use explicit toString:
echo $myUrl->toString();
Use Case
Generating a link for the cart view, leading the customer back to the detailed view of that article (including selected product options)
// Get an URL
$myUrl = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd('shop', 'detail');
// Add some parameters
$myUrl->setParam('referer', 'cart');
$myUrl->setParam('productId', $cartEntryId);
// Use it
$objTemplate->setVariable('SHOP_CART_LINK', $myUrl);
Contrexx 2
Escaping File Paths
The method FWValidator::getEscapedSource() can be used to prepare the path of a file for its use in the source attribute of a HTML-tag. The method will ensure that special characters like spaces or quotes will be escaped correctly.
// This will output the string:<img src="/images/content/foo%20bar%20%22%20%24.jpg" />
echo '<img src="'.FWValidator::getEscapedSource('/images/content/foo bar " $.jpg').'" />';
Request: Frontend
Output: Frontend - direct (Browser)
/* some output examples:
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to off
* /index.php
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to off and the cms is located in the subdirectory website
* /website/index.php
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to on and the user requested the english content
* /en/index.php
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to on and the user requested the english content
* # in addition the cms is located in the subdirectory website
* /website/en/index.php
Output: Frontend - indirect (RSS Feeds, E-Mails)
/* some output examples:
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to off
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to off and the cms is located in the subdirectory website
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to on and the user requested the english content
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to on and the user requested the english content
* # in additino the cms is located in the subdirectory website
$uri = ASCMS_PROTOCOL.'://'
.($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 ? NULL : ':'.intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']))
Request: Backend
Output: Frontend - direct (Browser)
/* some output examples:
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to off
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to off and the cms is located in the subdirectory website
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to on and the user requested the english content
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to on and the user requested the english content
* # in addition the cms is located in the subdirectory website
.($_CONFIG['useVirtualLanguagePath'] == 'on' ? '/'.FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($intLanguageId, 'lang') : NULL)
Output: Frontend - indirect (RSS Feeds, E-Mails)
/* some output examples:
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to off
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to off and the cms is located in the subdirectory website
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to on and the user requested the english content
* # useVirtualLanguagePath is set to on and the user requested the english content
* # in addition the cms is located in the subdirectory website
$uri = ASCMS_PROTOCOL.'://'
.($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 ? NULL : ':'.intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']))
.($_CONFIG['useVirtualLanguagePath'] == 'on' ? '/'.FWLangugaeg::getLanguageParameter($intLanguageId, 'lang') : NULL)