From Cloudrexx Development Wiki
Cloudrexx provides to create own indexers. Files can be indexed and searched. The index will be updated on upload, rename, delete and move.
Create a new Indexer
Create a new Indexer Class and extends the \Cx\Core\MediaSource\Model\Entity\Indexer. Overwrite the getText() method. Here you can convert the content of the files into text.
In this example, the Indexer only fetches the data, because it is a text indexer and the data is already in a text format.
namespace Cx\Modules\TxtIndexer\Model\Entity;
class TxtIndexer extends \Cx\Core\MediaSource\Model\Entity\Indexer
* Get text from an indexed file
* @param $mediaSource \Cx\Core\MediaSource\Model\Entity\MediaSource
* @param $filepath string path to file
* @return string
protected function getText($filepath)
$data = '';
try {
$objFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($filepath);
$data = $objFile->getData();
} catch (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystemException $e) {
return $data;
Register Indexer
Register your indexer in the ComponentController in the postInit method of your module.
public function postInit(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx $cx)
// Create new instance of your Indexer
$txtindexer = new \Cx\Modules\TxtIndexer\Model\Entity\TxtIndexer();
// Set all Extensions your Indexer can handle
// Register Indexer
Get Matches
Create a new MediaSource instance and call the method getFileSystemMatches($searchterm, $path) to get the indexed search results. Then the index search results can be appended to the normal search results.
$mediaType = new MediaSource($name, $humanName, array($directoryPath, $directoryWebPath), $accessIds);
$result = new \Cx\Core_Modules\Listing\Model\Entity\DataSet(
$mediaType->getFileSystemMatches($searchterm, $path)