From Cloudrexx Development Wiki
This is the technical specification for the core module named "Listing". This component will be part of Contrexx 3.1.
Listing provides an easy to use way to perform paging, sorting and filtering. Listing is optimized to work with Doctrine, but should be able to handle any sort of data that can be paged, sorted and filtered from the view.
Class Diagram
Listing controller can be initialized in two ways. Either provide a doctrine entity class name or a callback function for the parameter $entities.
Providing entity class name
$lister = new \Cx\Core_Modules\Listing\Controller\ListingController('Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page'); $table = new \BackendTable($lister->getData()); return $table->toHtml();
Providing callback function
The callback function returns an instance of doctrine query (\Doctrine\ORM\Query) or an instance of \Cx\Core_Modules\Listing\DataSet. If a dataset is returned, you will have to make use of $offset, $count, $criteria and $order.
Returning doctrine query
$lister = new \Cx\Core_Modules\Listing\Controller\ListingController(function(&$offset, &$count, &$criteria, &$order) { return \Env::get('em')->createQuery('SELECT p FROM Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page p'); }); $table = new \BackendTable($lister->getData()); return $table->toHtml();
Handle own data
$lister = new \Cx\Core_Modules\Listing\Controller\ListingController(function(&$offset, &$count, &$criteria, &$order) { $query = \Env::get('em')->createQuery('SELECT p FROM Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page p'); $query->setFirstResult($offset); $query->setMaxResults($count); // TODO: handle criteria and order $result = $query->getResult(); if (!$result) { throw new \Exception('Empty result'); } return new \Cx\Core_Modules\Listing\Model\DataSet($result); }); $table = new \BackendTable($lister->getData()); return $table->toHtml();
Ideas and Todos
- Add possibility to initialize ListingController with an instance of DataSet
- Extend DataSet with methods like getLimit($count, $offset) or filter($crit)
- If callback function returns a DataSet, apply limit and offset to it if necessary (should never happen, but you never now)