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This page describes the code sections that handle the logout and login actions. For info about the login and logout process itself, see Development User Group. For info about the login page in frontend, see Knowledgebase: Login.

The following table shows the currently involved code sections for login/logout actions. These do all use FWUser to perform the actions.

Mode Login Logout
Backend User is logged-in in \Cx\Core_Modules\Access\Controller\ComponentController::postResolve().

The corresponding UI is parsed in \Cx\Core_Modules\Controller\LoginManager (triggered from \Cx\Core_Modules\Controller\Login::load()).

\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\LegacyComponentHandler has an exception for logout in backend.
Frontend User is logged-in in \Cx\Core_Modules\Login\Controller\Login::_login().

The corresponding UI is parsed in \Cx\Core_Modules\Login\Controller\Login::getContent().

Logout is triggered by \Cx\Core\Routing\Resolver::legacyResolve().
Command Users can be logged-in by the JsonAdapter User's method loginUser [1] Users can be logged-out by the JsonAdapter User's method logoutUser [1]
This table simply serves as an overview of the current state. Login/Logout process should get streamlined in future releases.
  1. 1.0 1.1 This is discouraged. Other ways of authenticating with the API (like API keys) are preferred.