System Requirements
This page is outdated. Refer to Knowledgebase:Systemanforderungen for up to date system requirements
[hide]System Requirements
Contrexx® can be deployed on any platform and can be used with most of the popular hosting offering (for example Contrexx® Hosting) which contain a database. The installation on a server requires at least the following prerequisites.
Server Requirements
Contrexx® benötigt einen Server auf dem die Skriptsprache PHP und das Datenbanksystem MySQL installiert ist.
As of Contrexx version 2.0 the version 4.1.2 of MySQL as well as version 5.2.0 of PHP are required. Contrexx version 1.2 is the last version which can be run on PHP 4 (>=4.3.1) and MySQL 4.0.
Contrexx® has been successfully installed on various Unix implementations (including Solaris, FreeBSD, Debian, Suse and Redhat Linux) as well as on Windows NT/2000/XP.
Note: We recommend to ask your hosting provider, whether the correct versions of PHP and MySQL have been installed. If you want to administrate your own server, you get PHP and MySQL free of charge from and In addition, we recommend to operate PHP in SafeMode.
Installation Data For the installation, only the following specifications are needed:
MySQL Angaben (database name, user id and password) FTP access data (user id and password)
Unicode or Latin1?
The version to select depends on the version of the installed MySQL database. In general, the following applies:
- Unicode is chosen for MySQL versions >= 4.1.2 (default)
- Latin1 is taken for MySQL versions < 4.1.2
Determine the MySQL version
Create a new PHP file (e.g. mysql.php) with following source: <highlightsyntax><?php $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'database_user_id', 'database_password');
if (!$link) {
die('No connection: ' . mysql_error());
} printf("MySQL server version: %s\n", mysql_get_server_info()); ?> </highlightsyntax> Now, load this file onto your webserver and subsequently run the file in your web browser.
You should then get an output of the installed MySQL version in your browser.
The following specifications support the server administrator at optimum configurations of the PHP environment for Contrexx.
Contrexx runs without any problems in the standard configuration of PHP.
If you amend the PHP environment (for optimization/increase of server throughput/security) note the following mandatory requirements of Contrexx.
Command | Value | Comment |
session.use_cookies | "1" | |
session.cookie_lifetime | "0" | |
session.auto_start | "0" | If session.auto_start has been set to "1", session.save_handler has to be set to "user". |
allow_url_fopen | "1" | Contrexx runs no code by eval(), which could be read from another server. Thus, activating this directive is no risk of security. At least not from the perspective of Contrexx. |
open_basedir | see note | If open_basedir is used, the directory /tmp must be contained in it. |
pcre.backtrack_limit pcre.recursion_limit |
"100000" "100000" |
To a certain limit these directives can be lowered. The exact minimum requirement can not be specified, as these vary from layout and page content. If the values are set too low, a page call of the website can result in an error message like "cannot find block xyz" |
The following directives can increase or decrease the performance. In general, the following applies: the higher, the better.
// PHP example to set a limit of 200MB @ini_set('memory_limit, '200M');
The greater the assigned RAM, the more images (in higher resolution and color depth) are supported (import at the image gallery and creation of the thumbnails).
In addition, updates of Contrexx can be accomplished much faster, if more RAM has been assigned.
Too small values can result in blank pages within the administration backend.
Empirical Values (Please complete!)
Size of website | Recommended configuration |
Simple website | 8M - 16M |
Complex website (deployment of many modules) | 32M |
Community portal (~ 30.000 members) | 200M |
- post_max_size
If this value is too small, it can happen that part of a content page or layout file will be cropped during saving.
Min. recommended: "8M" - upload_max_filesize
This directive determines the maximum size of files to be uploaded. Note: The maximum size will automatically be reset to post_max_size, if it is smaller than update_max_filesize.
Min. recommended: "2M"
If sql.safe_mode has been activated, the following directives must be set as well:
- GD
GD with FreeType support required.
Contrexx Version | Min. GD Version |
>=2.0 | GD 2 (>= PHP 5) |
<2.0 | GD 1.6 (< PHP 4) |
Up to now, Contrexx does not support the SQL mode STRICT_TRANS_TABLES.
Client Requirements
To maintain the website via the administration backend, only an Internet Explorer is required:
Internet Explorer from version 5.5
Standard security "medium", e.g. JavaScript, Cookies and Active X control elements must be allowed. "Prompting" is sufficient.
Mozilla from version 1.4
Cookies: Minimum setting in Tools/Settings/Security: Accept Cookies / Prompt before accepting. Allow popups for the relevant domain in Tools/Settings/Web Features. Activate Javascript in Tools/Settings/Web Features
Firefox from version 0.7
Activate Cookies: menu "Edit" Settings/Security/Cookies", option "Accept cookies based on security level", the security level can be set to "high". Allow popups: menu "Edit/Settings/Security/PopUps": deactivate checkbox "Unwanted popups" Allow JavaScript: "Edit/Settings/Advanced/Scripts & PlugIns": Activate the checkbox JavaScript for "Navigator"