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This page describes the cookie handling in Cloudrexx, specifically by the component "Privacy".

JavaScript API

You can use a predefined privacy note, which can also be customized. More info about this feature can be found in the end user documentation. This section provides information if you want to use Cloudrexx' cookie and tracker management but create your own cookie note.



Returns a list of categories as an array of objects with the keys id, name and description.


Returns information about a cookie/tracker as an object. The object's properties are:

Property Type Purpose
id Number ID of the cookie
identifier String Identifying name of the cookie
name String Display name of the cookie
order Number Number used to sort the cookies
description String Description of the cookie
disableable Boolean Boolean which is true if the cookie can be disabled by the visitor
cookieNames Array Array of the names of the cookies that are set
host String Name of the host the cookie is set on
privacyStatementUrl String Link to the privacy statement for this cookie


Returns a list of cookies (see cx.privacy.cookies.getCookie() for the format of a single cookie) as an object indexed by the cookieId.


Returns true if the cookie is active, false otherwise. The parameter cookieId can either be the cookies ID or it's identifier.


Returns all, none or some depending on the states of the cookie in the given category.


Returns true if there's at least one cookie in the given category that is disableable.

cx.privacy.cookies.setCookieActive(cookieId, active)

Sets the state of the cookie identified by cookieId to active. The parameter cookieId can either be the cookies ID or it's identifier.

cx.privacy.cookies.setCookieCategoryActive(categoryId, active)

Sets the states of all cookies in the given category to active.


Sets the states of all cookies to active.


Tells whether the user has previously made a choice which is saved in the cookie clxCookieNote.


The javascript framework event cookieChanged (of scope privacy) is triggered each time the state of a cookie changes. This allows to react to the user's selection. Please see end user documentation for example usage.

Cookies set by components

If your component sets a cookie, the privacy component should be made aware of the existence of this cookie. Currently, this is only possible by directly injecting an entry into the database table contrexx_privacy_cookie. Please note that this is subject of change.