Development Mediabrowser
The MediaBrowser provides access to ressources (Content Manager Pages, MediaSource Files/Objects). Additionally, it allows the upload of new files (through component Uploader).
Note: This documentation refers to version 5 or newer. For older versions of Cloudrexx, please refer to MediaBrowser V4.
To include the MediaBrowser in your own component through a HTML-button element, do as follows:
- Create new instance of \Cx\Core_Modules\MediaBrowser\Model\Entity\MediaBrowser:
$mediaBrowser = new \Cx\Core_Modules\MediaBrowser\Model\Entity\MediaBrowser();
- Configure MediaBrowser using options. I.e.:
$mediaBrowser->setOptions(array( 'type' => 'button', 'id' => 'myMediaBrowserBtn', 'views' => 'uploader,filebrowser,sitestructure,', 'startview' => 'sitestructure', ));
- Register the name of a JavaScript callback (that will be triggered once the user did select a ressource in the MediaBrowser):
- Call the method MediaBrowser::getXHtml($label) on your instance to fetch the HTML-snippet:
$html = $mediaBrowser->getXHtml($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CORE_CM_BROWSE']);
- $label will be used as display name of the button
- Insert the fetched HTML-snippet in the (Sigma) template:
$this->template->setVariable('MEDIABROWSER_BUTTON', $html);
This will create a HTML-button with the label $label set. On trigger, the MediaBrowser will appear on the screen.
Custom layout integration
If you want to open the MediaBrowser not through the default HTML-button (as generated through MediaBrowser::getXHtml($label), but instead through a custom trigger, then simple hide the generated HTML-button (using CSS) and trigger the open event manuell as follows:
var mediabrowser__closed_callback = function (callback) {
jQuery('#mediabrowser_button').trigger("click", {
callback: mediabrowser__closed_callback,
cxMbViews: 'filebrowser,uploader',
cxMbStartview: 'MediaBrowserList'
With this method you can also add temporary options and an individual callback.
The following options are available and can be set as follows:
'option' => 'value'
Option name | Possible datatypes | Possible values | Default value | Description |
type | string | button | Set the type attribute of the HTML-input element | |
id | string | Set the id attribute of the HTML-input element. | ||
views | string | sitestructure / uploader / filebrowser | all | Set the views (as comma-separated list) that shall be loaded and be available in the left navigation pane: |
startview | string | sitestructure / uploader / filebrowser | filebrowser | Set the default view to display when loading the MediaBrowser.
Note: If you do register your own view, you can also set that as startView. |
startmediatype | string | Any registred MediaSource. I.e.: files / media1 / media2 / media3 / media4 / attach / shop / gallery / access / mediadir / downloads / calendar / podcast / etc. | files | Set initial MediaSource to display (for view filebrowser) |
mediatypes | string | all or a list of any registred MediaSource. I.e.: files / media1 / media2 / media3 / media4 / attach / shop / gallery / access / mediadir / downloads / calendar / podcast / etc. | all | Set the list of available MediaSources in view filebrowser: |
multipleselect | boolean | true / false | false | Whether or not the selection of multiple ressources is permitted |
modalopened | mixed | false / name of callback as string | false | Set JavaScript callback to be called after the MediaBrowser has been opened. I.e.:
'modalopened' => 'mediabrowser__opened_callback',
window.mediabrowser__opened_callback = function(){
modalclosed | mixed | false / name of callback as string | false | Can be used instead of MediaBrowser::setCallback(). I.e.:
'modalclosed' => 'mediabrowser__closed_callback',
window.mediabrowser__closed_callback = function(data){
Callback arguments
Depending on the user's action, the data passed to the modalclose callback has the following form:
File has been selected
size:"341.94 KB",
thumbnail: {
Content Manager Page has been selected
locale: "de",
localization: [{
de: {
name: "Willkommen",
node: "[[NODE_HOME_DE]]",
url: "/Willkommen"
en: {
name: "Willkommen",
node: "[[NODE_HOME_EN]]",
url: "/Welcome"
Nothing selected
If the user has closed the MediaBrowser without any selection:
Add own view
To add your own view, do as follows:
- Register an EventLister to event MediaBrowser.Plugin:initialize in ComponentController:
public function registerEventListeners() { $this->cx->getEvents()->addEventListener( 'MediaBrowser.Plugin:initialize', new \Cx\Modules\<component>\Model\Event\MyEventListener($this->cx) ); }
- Register view in \Cx\Modules\<component>\Model\Event\MyEventListener:
public function mediaBrowserPluginInitialize() { $this->getComponent('MediaBrowser')->registerCustomJs('modules/<component>/View/Script/MediaBrowser.js'); }
- Implement a JsonData adapter as provider for the view's data
- Inject view into MediaBrowser in modules/<component>/View/Script/MediaBrowser.js
cx.ready(function() { angular.module('MediaBrowser') .config(["dataTabsProvider", function(dataTabsProvider) { dataTabsProvider .add({ label: cx.variables.get( 'TXT_MODULE_MYCOMPONENT', 'mediabrowser'), icon: 'icon-myicon', controller: 'MyCtrl', name: 'myview', templateUrl: cx.variables.get('basePath', 'contrexx') + 'modules/<component>/View/Template/MyView.html', // force listing of tab in every section always: true }); }]) .service('MyService', ['$q', function($q) { return { refresh: refresh }; function refresh() { var deferred = $q.defer(); // fetch data from above implemented JsonData adapter cx.ajax('MyComponent','getEntries') .success(function(response) { if ( instanceof Object) { deferred.resolve(; } else if (response.match(/login_form/)) { deferred.reject(cx.variables.get( 'TXT_FILEBROWSER_LOGGED_OUT', 'mediabrowser')); } else { deferred.reject("An error occured while fetching Entries"); } }).error(function() { deferred.reject("An error occured while fetching Entries"); }); return deferred.promise; } } ]) .controller('MyCtrl', [ '$scope', 'mediabrowserConfig', 'MyService', function( $scope, mediabrowserConfig, MyService ) { $scope.dblclick = dblclick; if (!$scope.entriesLoaded) { MyService.refresh().then(function(entities) { $scope.entriesLoaded = entities; if ($scope.entriesLoaded) { $scope.entries = $scope.entriesLoaded[cx.variables.get('language', 'mediabrowser')]; } }); } function dblclick(entry) { var fn = mediabrowserConfig.get('callbackWrapper'); if (typeof fn === 'function') { fn({ type: 'MyEntry', data: entry }); } $scope.closeModal(); } } ]); });
- Add template for view in modules/<component>/View/Template/Generic/MyView.html
<div id="myview" ng-controller="MyCtrl"> <div class="fileOptions"> <input type="search" id="myFilter" class="searchterm" placeholder="{{::'TXT_FILEBROWSER_SEARCHTERM_PLACEHOLDER'| translate}}" ng-model="searchterm"> </div> <div class="tabMediaBrowserContent contentWithOptions"> <div class="mediaBrowserListCtrl"> <div class="loadingPlatform" ng-hide="entries || error"> <i class="icon-loading"></i> <div class="loadingText1"> Loading </div> </div> <table class="adminlist my-list-entries" ng-show="entries"> <tbody> <tr> <th> Entry </th> </tr> <tr ng-repeat="entry in entries| filter: {name:searchterm}" ng-class="{active: true ===}" ng-if="entries" class="data-row files animation"> <td> <a ng-dblclick="dblclick(entry)"> <div class="fileName"> {{}} </div> </a> </td> </tr> <tr ng-show="error"> <td> {{::'TXT_FILEBROWSER_ERROR_HAS_HAPPEND'| translate }} </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="tabMediaBrowserFooter"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" ng-disabled="noFileSelected"> {{::'TXT_FILEBROWSER_CHOOSE_FILE'| translate }} </button> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="cancel()"> {{::'TXT_FILEBROWSER_CANCEL'| translate }} </button> </div> </div>