MediaSources provide abstract access to files. This allows to work with paths relative to the installation root, even if the files are in a different folder or even on a different server.
[hide]Get a MediaSource
Use previously registered MediaSources
Registered MediaSources can be fetched by their identifier as follows:
Register a MediaSource
In order to add a folder to be available in MediaBrowser, you may add a registered MediaSource. To achieve this, register an event listener for the event "mediasource:load":
// in ComponentController::registerEventListeners()
$myEventListener = new \Cx\<ComponentNS>\Model\Event\<MyEventListenerName>($this->cx);
$this->cx->getEvents()->addEventListener('mediasource.load', $myEventListener);
Then you can add the MediaSource in your listener:
public function mediasourceLoad(MediaSourceManager $mediaBrowserConfiguration)
global $_ARRAYLANG;
$mediaSource = new MediaSource(
'<myComponent><identifier>', // name of MediaSource, unique over the whole system
$_ARRAYLANG['TXT_...'], // user friendly name of the MediaSource
$this->cx->getWebsiteImagesPath() . '/...', // Path
$this->cx->getWebsiteImagesWebPath() . '/...', // Web path
$mediaType->setAccessIds(array(13)); // access IDs that are allowed to access this MediaSource
Create an unregistered MediaSource
If you want to work with files without adding the folder to the MediaBrowser, you need an unregistered MediaSource. The following pseude-code shows how this can be achieved. This code can simply be added where the MediaSource is needed:
$mediaSource = new MediaSource(
'<myComponent><identifier>', // name of MediaSource, unique over the whole system
$_ARRAYLANG['TXT_...'], // user friendly name of the MediaSource
$this->cx->getWebsiteImagesPath() . '/...', // Path
$this->cx->getWebsiteImagesWebPath() . '/...', // Web path
File operations
Apart from the access to files described in DataSource the following operations can be performed:
Read files
$recursive = true;
$dir = 'icons';
$files = $mediaSource->getFileSystem()->getFileList($dir, $recursive);
See core/MediaSource/Model/Entity/FileSystem.interface.php