Autogenerated Views
Cloudrexx can automatically generate the view layer based on models. Suppored models are Doctrine entities or array-data (wrapped in \Cx\Core_Modules\Listing\Model\Entity\DataSet
). The autogenerated views provided by \Cx\Core\Html\Controller\ViewGenerator
View | Name | Purpose |
Overview | List all entities in form of a table |
Detail view | Add, edit or copy form of an entity |
show Experimental
Readonly view | Display of a single entity |
Aside from the autogenerated views, \Cx\Core\Html\Controller\ViewGenerator
does also handle the interaction like create, edit, copy, delete, sort, filter and more with the rendering entities. Further, it also supports the handling of relations to associated entities. The latter is limited to rendering entities of type Doctrine entity.
Create an autogenerated view
In Backend
automatically uses ViewGenerator to render pre-defined views which you can customize (see options below). This means you should not have to call ViewGenerator yourself.
SystemComponentBackendController needs the following code in the current template to be able to parse a view with ViewGenerator.
<!-- BEGIN entity_view -->
<!-- END entity_view -->
You can pass options to these instances of ViewGenerator by overriding SystemComponentBackendController::getViewGeneratorOptions()
. You may also override any of the following methods to gain more control over what gets rendered:
- Use to register additional non-Doctrine entities that will be used in combination with
to render alternate entities.
- Use to register additional non-Doctrine entities that will be used in combination with
- Use to change the rendering entity. Can be used to generate the autogenerated views of some other entity than the one identified by the backend section.
- Use to overwrite the default ViewGenerator initialization of default backend sections.
In any other case
If you want to use ViewGenerator in frontend or for any other use-case (like command-line, export, ...) you can use the following code to generate a view:
$view = new \Cx\Core\Html\Controller\ViewGenerator($renderObject, $vgOptions);
echo $view;
can be any of the types described in Render object.
For $vgOptions
, see the available options below.
Render object
The ViewGenerator accepts different types of data to render a view from:
- A Doctrine entity class name (fully qualified). This will render a view for all entities of this class.
- A single object
- A list of objects
- A DataSet instance
- An array
All write functions (add, edit, delete) only work reliably if the render object is based on Doctrine. This is a known limitation that will be lifted in a later version.
Internally, all of the possibilities above are converted to a DataSet. The type of data is determined by DataSet::getDataType(). This leads to three cases:
- A Doctrine entity or a list of them.
- Any other type of object or a list of them.
- A (potentially multi-dimensional) array which is not a simple list of objects. Further on we will call this type "array".
If the object to be rendered is not of type array
, then ViewGenerator expects the following structure:
$vgOptions = array(
'FQCN\of\Entity' => $options,
If the object to be rendered is of type array
then the format is as follows:
$vgOptions = array(
'Cx\Core_Modules\Listing\Model\Entity\DataSet' => array(
'<dataSetIdentifier>' => $options,
is the identifier of the given DataSet instance. This defaults to . So if an array is passed to the ViewGenerator, use
as the DataSet's identifier.
Note: In case the rendering entity has associations to other entities that shall get rendered to, then the rendering of those (associated) entities can be configured by specifying an additonal set of options identified by their FQCN. I.e.:
$vgOptions = array(
'FQCN\of\Entity' => $options,
'FQCN\of\associated\EntityA' => $options,
'FQCN\of\associated\EntityB' => $options,
The following sections list all available options to be set through $options
according to the specification above.
Root level options
These options can be set the following way:
$options[<option_name>] = <option_value>;
Option name (<option_name> )
Option value (<option_value> )
Description | ||||||||||||||
Datatype | Possible values | Default | ||||||||||||||
Translated display name of the entity. This is used to customize several view texts. | |||||||||||||
string | (empty) [1] | Title of the table if a table for overview. If it's set to an empty string the header row will be hidden. | |||||||||||||
Request URL | URL used as jump-back on cancel | |||||||||||||
array | See Parsing | (empty) | Use to customize the parsing behaviour of the views. | ||||||||||||
array | array(
'adapter' => $name,
'method' => $method,
) |
(empty) | Add custom HTML-code at the end of the detail (form ) and readonly (show ) view.
Set Arguments passed to exposed method are as follows:
Exposed method must return the HTML-code (as string or magically castable to string) that shall be added at the end of the detail ( Note: The exposed method is being called before the detail (
form ) or readonly (show ) view is being rendered. | ||||||||||||
array | array(
'adapter' => $name,
'method' => $method,
) |
(empty) | Customize row attributes (HTML attributes of all <tr> elements) of overview view (list ).
Set Arguments passed to exposed method are as follows:
Exposed method must return an associated array of all HTML attributes that shall be applied on the array(
'<html_attribute_name>' => '<value>',
| ||||||||||||
boolean | false | This is not implemented yet! Show the primary keys in the edit view. | |||||||||||||
array | See Template | (empty) | Use to load a different template to be used for parsing the views. |
- Jump up ↑
sets this to$_ARRAYLANG['TXT_<component_type>_<component_name>_ACT_<class_identifier>']
if this index is set.
Use to load a different template to be used for parsing the views. Configure as follows:
$options['template'][<option_name>] = <option_value>;
Option name (<option_name> )
Option value (<option_value> )
Description | ||
Datatype | Possible values | Default | ||
string | filepath relative to the root directory of Cloudrexx | core/Html/View/Template/Generic/Table.html
Set template to be used for detail (form ) and readonly (show ) view.
string | filepath relative to the root directory of Cloudrexx | core/Html/View/Template/Generic/TableView.html
Set template to be used for the overview view (list ).
The parsing behaviour can be customized as follows:
$options['parsing'][<option_name>] = <option_value>;
Option name (<option_name> )
Option value (<option_value> )
Description | ||
Datatype | Possible values | Default | ||
boolean | true / false
Set to true to output None (for associations) or <empty> (for scalar properties) as cell content instead of leaving a cell empty.
A ViewGenerator can be customized and extended by several functions that can be set as follows:
$options['functions']['<option_name>'] = <option_value>;
Option name (<option_name> )
Option value (<option_value> )
Description | ||
Datatype | Possible values | Default | ||
boolean | true / false
false [1]
Whether editing existing entries is possible in this view. |
boolean | true / false
false [1]
Whether adding new entries is possible in this view. |
boolean | true / false
false [1]
Whether copying of existing entries is possible in this view. |
boolean | true / false
false [1]
Whether a readonly view can be shown. |
boolean | true / false
false [1]
Whether deleting existing entries is possible in this view. |
array | See Ordering | (empty) | Set the order in which the entities shall be listed on the listing view. |
boolean | true / false
false [1]
Enable interactive column sorting on the listing view. |
array | See Drag & Drop Sorting | (empty) | Enable drag & drop sorting on the listing view. |
boolean | true / false
false [1]
Whether paging is used if there are more entries than the configured page limit. |
boolean | true / false
Whether a search by term (OR-ed search over all fields) should be possible. Please note that all fields that should be included in that search need to be whitelisted (see field option "allowSearching"). |
boolean | true / false
Whether a search by field value ("extended search", AND-ed search over all fields) should be possible. |
boolean | true / false
Whether to hide filtering behind a "extended search" link if searching and filtering are active. |
string / callback | HTML code / function($rowData) | (empty) | Additional actions to display in the "functions" column. Callback arguments are: $rowData , $editId
Important: Please note that
$editId currently contains the complete GET argument "editid". This will be changed to an array with all (potentially composite) keys for this ViewGenerator instance. |
boolean | true / false
Whether to add submit and cancel buttons to forms. To integrate forms in surrounding content this can be set to false. |
boolean | true / false
Whether fields in the overview should be editable.
Important: The editable option must also be activated for the fields. See Field Options
string | field name | (empty) | If this is set to a field name a list of links with all letters in the alphabet is displayed. |
array | See Status Toggling | (empty) | Enable a status toggling widget on one specified field. |
array | See Export | (empty) | Enable CSV-export functionality. |
callback | QueryBuilder | (empty) | Overrides the filter callback. (extended search) Callback arguments are: $qb , $crit
callback | QueryBuilder | (empty) | Overrides the search callback. (search). Callback arguments are: $qb , $fields , $crit
array | See Custom Delete Event | (empty) | Overwrite the JavaScript onclick event of the delete function on the listing view.
Use to define the order in which the entities shall be listed by default on the listing view. This will get overridden by the user's choice if column sorting or Drag'n'Drop sorting is active.
$options['functions']['order'] = array(
'<fieldName>' => <sortOrder>,
- Set
to the field (of the rendering entity) by which the entries shall be ordered by. - Set
to either one of the PHP constantsSORT_ASC
to the array. The earlier a $field
occurs in the array, the higher its precedence will be on the applied order. I.e.:
$options['functions']['order'] = array(
'<fieldNameA>' => <sortOrder>,
'<fieldNameB>' => <sortOrder>,
Column Sorting
Use to enable interactive column sorting on the listing view. Configure as follows:
$options['functions']['sorting'] = true;
to false
Drag & Drop Sorting
Use to enable drag & drop sorting on the listing view. Configure as follows:
$options['functions']['sortBy'] = array(
'<option_name>' => <option_value>,
Option name (<option_name> )
Option value (<option_value> )
Description | ||
Datatype | Possible values | Default | ||
array | array($field => $direction)
(empty) | Set $field to the field (of the rendering entity) that holds the current sorting order and shall be used to update the adjusted sorting order.
array | array($name => $method)
(empty) | Overrides the default handler for updating the adjusted sort order (done through drag & drop).
Set |
$options['functions']['sortBy']['field'] = array(
'order_id' => SORT_ASC,
Status Toggling
Enable a status toggling widget on one specified field. These options can be set the following way:
$options['functions']['status'] = array(
'<option_name>' => <option_value>,
Option name (<option_name> )
Option value (<option_value> )
Description | ||
Datatype | Possible values | Default | ||
string | $field
(empty) | Set $field to the field (of the rendering entity) that shall be used for the status toggling.
array | array($name => $method)
(empty) | Overrides the default handler for toggling the status (0 /1 ) of the specified field.
Set |
Enable a CSV-file-export. The default export handler will export the currently listed entities (based on filtering and search).
$options['functions']['export'] = array(
'<option_name>' => <option_value>,
If $options['functions']['export']
is not set or set to anything other than an array, then the export function is disabled.
All following options are optional:
Option name (<option_name> )
Option value (<option_value> )
Description | ||
Datatype | Possible values | Default | ||
array | array($name => $method)
(empty) | Overrides the default handler for processing the export request.
Set |
array | List of fields | (empty) | Upcoming feature. Not yet available.
Overrides the default list of fields / field order to export. By default all fields are exported in order of appearance. |
Custom Delete Event
The JavaScript onclick
event of the delete function can be overwritten the following way:
$options['functions']['onclick'] = array(
'delete' => '<js_callback_function_name>',
Then implement the associated JavaScript function:
function <js_callback_function_name>(deleteUrl) {
// Code
By default, the detail view does list all fields (those configured to be displayed) at once.
However, the ViewGenerator provides also the ability to split the view up into multiple tabs. This can be achieved by using the option tabs
as follows:
$options['tabs'] = array(
'<tab_name>' => array(
'fields' => <fieldlist>,
'header' => '<tab_title>',
- Set
to a programmatic name for the tab. - For
set anarray
of all fields that shall be displayed in that particular tab.- Note: Fields that are not assigned to any tab will be displayed in the default/overview tab.
- Set
to the literal text that shall be used as viewable tab title.- Note: The
option is optional. If left out, the system will try to automatically load the text-variable$_ARRAYLANG['<tab_name>']
by default.
$options['tabs']['overview']['header'] = '<tab_name>';
Multi Actions
Multi actions are actions which can be applied to multiple entities at once in the listing view.
They rely on JavaScript events. These options can be set the following way:
$options['multiActions'][<action_name>] = array(
'title' => <action_title>,
'jsEvent' => <js_event_name>,
The title
option is optional. If not specified $_ARRAYLANG['<action_name>']
is used (if set).
The following example code can be used to create a custom multi action:
In a Controller class:
$options['multiActions']['delete'] = array(
'jsEvent' => 'action:scope',
In a corresponding JavaScript file:
cx.jQuery(document).ready(function() {
cx.bind("action", function (ids) {
// ids is the list of selected IDs
// Handle your action here. For example you may call a JsonAdapter from here.
}, "scope");
Field order
Field display order can be specified for overview and form views separately. Simply provide an array with the field names in the desired order to the following options. Not specified fields are appended at the end.
$options['order']['overview'] = <fieldlist>;
$options['order']['form'] = <fieldlist>;
Not implemented yet!
$options['order']['show'] = <fieldlist>;
Field options
These options can be set the following way:
$options['fields'][<field_name>][<option_name>] = <option_value>;
Option name (<option_name> )
Option value (<option_value> )
Description | ||
Datatype | Possible values | Default | ||
showOverview | boolean | true / false | true | Whether to show this field in overview views. |
showDetail | boolean | true / false | true | Whether to show this field in detail views. |
readonly | boolean | true / false | false | Whether this field should be unchangeable in detail views. |
editable | boolean | true / false | false | Whether this field should be editable in overview views. Important The function editable must also be activated. See Functions |
sorting | boolean | true / false | Value of "sorting" functions option | Whether the overview list can be sorted by this field. |
validValues | string / array | List of valid values (CSV or array) or a regular expression | (empty) | Used for input validation and to specify values for selection field types (see "type" field option). The regular expression is used in PHP and JavaScript, so make sure it is cross-compatible! |
tooltip | string | User interface text | (empty) | Tooltip to add to this field in edit views. |
header | string | User interface text | (empty) | User interface name of the field. Falls back to the field's name if not set. Tries to load from $_ARRAYLANG. |
formtext | string | User interface text | (empty) | User interface name of the field for detail view. Falls back to the "header" field option if not set. Tries to load from $_ARRAYLANG. |
type | string | Field type | (empty) | Overrides the automatic selection of the field type |
mode | string | Field type mode (see field types) | (empty) | Field type specific mode |
attributes | array | Key-value pairs of HTML element attributes | (empty) | Additional HTML attributes of the form element field for detail view. |
length | int | Input max. length | (empty) | Sets the max. length of an input field. If empty, length is not set[1]. For relations with fetch set to "EXTRA_LAZY" this can be used to set the limit of related entities (default: system paging default). |
callback | \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement or HTML code
(empty) | Overrides the automatic form field generation for this field in detail view.
Callback arguments are: |
array | See Custom rendering of list view | (empty) | Use to customize the rendered HTML of the field in list view. |
array | See Custom rendering of show view | (empty) | Use to customize the rendered HTML of the field in show view. |
valueCallback | callback | field values | (empty) | Overrides the value for this field in overview and detail view. Callback arguments are: $fieldvalue, $fieldname, $rowData (only in overview), $fieldoption, $vgId |
storecallback | callback | array, key-value pairs of field names and values | (empty) | Allows altering POST data before persisting. Used together with "formfield" field option. Return value is persisted. Callback arguments are: $value, $fieldName, $entity, $entityData |
postCallback | callback | entity | (empty) | Allows the entity to be edited again after persistence and flushing. Use this if you need the entity ID to save a field. Return entity is persisted and flushed. Callback arguments are: $postedValue, $fieldName, $entity |
allowSearching | boolean | true / false | false | Whether to include this file in search by term (/"simple search"). |
allowFiltering | boolean | true / false | true | Whether to show this field in filter (/"advanced search"). |
filterHeader | string | User interface text | (empty) | Used as field title in filter (/"advanced search"). Falls back to use "header" field option. |
filterOptionsField | callback / string | \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement or HTML code | (empty) | Overrides the automatic field generation for filter (/"advanced search") for this field in detail view. Callback arguments are: $parseObject, $fieldName, $elementName |
- Jump up ↑ This is currently broken
Custom rendering of list view
The option table
allows for customization of how a field (identified by <field_name>
) gets rendered in the list view.
Use as follows:
$options['fields'][<field_name>]['table'][<option_name>] = <option_value>;
Option name (<option_name> )
Option value (<option_value> )
Description | ||
Datatype | Possible values | Default | ||
array | array('<html-attribute>' => '<html-attribute-value>')
(empty) | Use to set additional HTML attributes on the rendered cell (HTML-td -element) of the field <field_name> .
callback | \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement or HTML code
(empty) | Use to overrides the automatic field rendering.
Callback arguments are: |
Custom rendering of show view
The option show
allows for customization of how a field (identified by <field_name>
) gets rendered in the show view.
Use as follows:
$options['fields'][<field_name>]['show'][<option_name>] = <option_value>;
Option name (<option_name> )
Option value (<option_value> )
Description | ||
Datatype | Possible values | Default | ||
boolean | true / false
(empty) | Whether to show this field in show (readonly) views. |
boolean | true / false
Whether the output should be encoded in show (readonly) views. |
string | User interface text | (empty) | User interface name of the field. Falls back to the field's name if not set. Tries to load from $_ARRAYLANG .
callback | \Cx\Core\Html\Model\Entity\HtmlElement or HTML code
(empty) | Overrides the automatic field generation for this field in show (readonly) view. Callback arguments are: $value , $entity , $options
Custom fields
These custom fields only work for Doctrine views.
Field options can also be used for custom fields.
To store a custom field you have to implement a storeCallback. See storeCallback
These callbacks are called after the respective callbacks of normal fields.
$options['fields']['customField'] => array(
'custom' => true,
The custom option has no effect on existing fields.
Field types
Type name | PHP values | Rendered as | Available modes (mode )
Remarks |
bool, boolean | True or false | Yes/no checkboxes | ||
int, integer | True or false | input element of type "number" with validator | ||
Cx\Core\Base\EntityBase | Any entity | select or ajax window | create [1], associate
Used for relations of the current entity |
Country | ID of a \Cx\Core\Country\Controller\Country object | select field with countries | ||
date, datetime, DateTime | Instance of \DateTime or date in ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT | input with activated datepicker | ||
multiselect, select | Selected value(s) as (comma separated) string | select field | "validValues" field option is used to generate the list | |
slider | integer | jQuery slider | "validValues" field option is used for min. and max. values (format: "<min>(,<max>)") | |
checkboxes, radio | Selected value(s) as (comma separated) string | list of checkboxes or radiobuttons | modern
"validValues" field option is used to generate the list Mode "modern" is not implemented yet! Mode "modern" passes the form-data as an array |
text | string | textarea | ||
phone | string | input element of type "phone" | ||
string | input element of type "mail" with validator | |||
uploader | string | MediaBrowser "Browse" button | Sets the file path as value of the field | |
image | string | MediaBrowser "Browse" button | Sets the file path as value of the field, overwrites MediaBrowser settings with field options. | |
sourcecode | string | Code editor | js , yml , yaml
This is currently broken. Renders a Code editor. If mode is set, the editor mode is set accordingly. |
wysiwyg | string | WYSIWYG editor | small , full , bbcode
This is not implemented yet! Renders a WYSIWYG editor. If mode is set, WYSIWYG mode is set accordingly. |
hidden | string | input field of type "hidden" | ||
string | string | input field of type "text" | normal [1], nocomplete
Renders a text field. Mode "nocomplete" suppressed autocompletion for usernames by browsers. |
password | string | input field of type "password" | normal [1], nocomplete
Renders a password field. Mode "nocomplete" suppressed autocompletion by browsers. |
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 This is the default value
Call an exposed method
In order to call an exposed method you need to define an array in the following form:
'adapter' => <adapterName>,
'method' => <methodName>,
The arguments passed to these methods can be seen in the documentation of the respective option. The specified method will receive the parameters in $params['get'].
Please note that there are some cases where the array keys differ. If this is the case this is stated in the documentation of the respective option.
Custom Exception/ Error Message
To show a custom error message throw a new ShinyException in your callback function (e.g. storecallback)
throw new \Cx\Core\Error\Model\Entity\ShinyException('Custom message');
ViewGenerator provides the following methods to generate URLs to it:
- getEditUrl($entryOrId, $url = null)
- getShowUrl($entryOrId, $url = null)
- getDeleteUrl($entryOrId)
- getCreateUrl($url = null)
- getSearchUrl($term, $url = null)
- getExtendedSearchUrl($criteria, $url = null)
- getSortUrl($sort, $url = null)
- getPagingUrl($pos, $url = null)
- getAddUrl($url = null)
Alternatively, there's a static method for each of those starting with "getVg...". The first parameter is $vgId (which normally is 0). Example:
- getVgEditUrl($vgId, $entryOrId, $url = null)
URL Format
In order to allow multiple instances of auto-generated views at the same time that do not interfere with each other even when searching, filtering, sorting or paging there's a special format for URL parameters for such parameters:
Valid examples:
- term={0,foo}
- search={0,foo=bar},{1,alice=bob}