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Contrexx übersetzen / Translate Contrexx
- Wie kann ich Contrexx in eine andere Sprache übersetzen?
- How can I translate Contrexx into another language?
This tutorial will show you, how you can translate the whole system into your own language.
- Translate general language-files
- Copy the folder /lang/en/ to /lang/xx/, where xx is the shortform of your translation. Attention: You have to copy all included files!
- Translate the files /lang/xx/backend.php and /lang/xx/frontend.php
- Translate module language-files
- Copy /core_modules/contact/en/ to /core_modules/contact/xx/. Again, xx is the shortform of your translation.
- Translate /core_modules/contact/xx/backend.php and /core_modules/contact/xx/frontend.php to your language.
- Do the steps above for all folders in /core_modules/!
- Do it again for all folders in /modules/!
- Create database-entry
- Add your language to the table prefix_languages in your database. prefix is the database-prefix you have choosen while installing Contrexx. Usually it is just "contrexx".
- Activate language
- You should now be able to activate your language via: